Yeah I know what you mean, put into situations like that I think many would start showing symptomns like those listed. So I know what you eman about it not necessarily meaning that it is so. Plus I don't like labels etc. so I wouldn't assume it either. However it is interesting to debate about it like you say. And I agree with your observations, Kasumi and Kumi don't seem to repress the memory of their loved ones, as both have a photo of them. I agree with the idea that they repress their feelings/emotions about it by filling in the void or feeling resentment. I think that Kumi feels resentment/loneliness for having to look after her Mom rather than her Mom look after her, and so when others start expecting her to look after them e.g. as rep of a class, or Yuri's dependancy on her, she gets irritated (initially, until she learns to accept that she can enjoy being responsible, she's a natural leader). Anyway its cool, this series is years old but still we can debate new things about it and notice new things.
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